Saturday, January 2, 2010

I can't believe it has been 3 months since I have updated my blog! But I didn't make any promises! I will give a brief update - An update to Sept.: Ryan passed his Bar Exam!! It is official and now he will do a Clerkship in Helena for a year, a Clerkship in Great Falls for a year. Then, he may very well have his pick! He and Heather have both worked very hard to accomplish this goal and we are so proud.
Brandon met a very nice young lady from Twin Falls, ID. Her name is Jennifer Anne Orr, she is 25 & teaches 2nd grade. They seem to have hit if off!

In Oct. we went to Hells Canyon to fish for Steelhead. It is our annual trip with Mom and Larry, but Mom was in Portland this year, so I spent time reading, walking, cooking, playing on the computer while Scott & Larry fished. I did try my luck at the fishing and caught my first steelhead (3 total) - beginners luck!!

November brought a trip to Boise for Scott to go hunting with Jeff. Jeff filled his tag with a very nice buck. It scored a 180 (i think!) and was excellent meat! I believe Scott got another day of fishing in to boot!! Thanksgiving was at our house with Mom Barrett, Mom & Larry, Brandon and his girlfriend Jennifer. We had alot of good food and fun! On the Saturday after we went Christmas Tree hunting! It bought back alot of memories and we brought back 3 beautiful trees!

December was awesome! Getting ready for the family to come home at Christmas was so exciting! We decorated inside and out! Christmas PJ's were bought and the stockings were hung!Couldn't have too many decorations or goodies
We met up with Dan & Kristin in Las Vegas at the NFR! It was our first time and we sure have used another day or two! We were in support of Charly Crawford and his partner Russell Cordova. It was great! Our cousin Louie and his wife Barbara from Albuquerque came so we were able to get a wonderful visit in with them also!
We went to the Tournament of Champions (TOC) in Reno to watch our high school wrestlers and also the college portion on Sunday to watch Bryce. We saw alot of great wrestling and ran into several "old" friends. It was a good weekend!
We are finally counting down to a full house! Jeff, Jen and the kids came in on Wednesday night, Heather, Ryan and Mom B were here by noon on Christmas Eve, Brandon was just as anxious as we were! It was a busy, fun filled 3 days. Our house became a home again with love and laughter! Our hearts were full. Thank you all for coming home!

New Year's Eve we went to a Walleye Fish Fry at the Pehrsons. It was wonderful food and we had a nice time visiting with friends to bring the New Year in! Don't have a New Years Resolution yet, but we'll see!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

GNC Olympics

Well.....a few of the eligible bachelors at SCHS put together an amazing "Olympics" of their own!! We missed the inauguration last year, but were fortunate to be able to attend this years event. We were very impressed by the amount of work that went into this gathering. The flags were raised, the National Anthem played, the torch was lit, t-shirts for everyone. There were 5 events, symbolizing the 5 olympic rings. Guys, you did a great job! I know they had a few extra helping hands......I just want to say thanks for a fun filled evening!

Hot Air Balloon Festival

This is definately a sign of fall when the hot air balloons fill the air. We live in the perfect spot to view the festival without getting in the middle of all the people and traffic. We took a few pics to share!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Our 3rd Grandchild, Camden Lee

Camden Lee was born Monday, September 7, 2009 @ 8:46am! We knew he would be early, but not quite THAT early!! Scott & I were lucky to have been passing thru at the time. We had been in McCall for Labor Day weekend and arrived at Jen & Jeff's about 7pm Sunday night with plans to head home on Monday morning....good thing we are spontaneous, because our plans this summer have been very flexible!! The labor/delivery was pretty calm and bearable (easy for me to say!)as Jennifer and Camden are happy and healthy! He was 5lbs 5ozs and 18 3/4 in long. Michael and Macie have welcomed Camden into there home with many hugs and kisses.

Johnston Family Reunion 2009

The first Johnston Family Reunion took place in Moab, Utah August 28-31 2009. I think it was a success! Those present were Bill & Marie Johnston-sons Mike (Linda) & Steve along with grandaughter Kellie; Debbie Williams-son John & grandsons Caan & Colton, niece Sara (Chris)w/daughter Sophie & Sara's mother Robbie. Danny Johnston (Kristin)-sons Cole & Jake. Lisa Barrett (Scott)-son Brandon. We spent the first night visiting and getting to know each other again. Saturday & Sunday were spent 4-wheeling, hiking, biking, touring the National Parks, eating, drinking, visiting, swimming......I think everyone enjoyed the area and re-newing family ties. It sounds like everyone is looking forward to doing this again....I hope so! As I have gotten older, I have realized how important my family is to me. We all have our own lives to live and go in so many directions, but to be able to come together every so often reminds us of our history and traditions. History and traditions we need to continue to pass on from generation to generation!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Home is Where the Heart is!

Jennifer, Michael & Macie were able to spend about 4 days with us this last week....our house came alive again! Amazing how quiet & boring it gets with no children running around! We had a really nice visit with the exception of the weather turning cooler. We picked raspberries, rode the 4 wheeler, had a picnic in Lamoille Canyon, went to McDonalds, saw G-Force at the movie theatre, caught grasshoppers with Uncle B.....did I leave anything out? Oh yeah! Lots of hugs and kisses! Jennifer tried to read and rest, but that is a challenge in itself with 2 little ones. We did get to shop a little! Thanks to Jen for making the long trip by herself as Jeff was working!